While 2020 has had it’s challenges being cooped up more than usual has
given me a lot of time to explore new music. Taking in lots of
recommendations during, virtual, drinking sessions and using
Bandcamp’s monthly Friday as an excuse to splurge I’ve picked up quite
a few new things this year. Next on that list is Dumal out of
Pennsylvania, The Confessor is their second album after the highly
praised The Lesser God from 2017 (which I’ve not yet heard). On
these seven tracks there we tread well worn tracks, but their mix of
Scandinavian and US 90s blackmetal is well executed and the songs are
catchy, sometimes just doing something really well is good enough.
The Confessor ticks all these boxes and I’ve found myself coming
back to over and over again. Once the pandemic clears up hopefully
I’ll get to catch them on tour and by then I’ve hopefully tracked down
their previous album.
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